Get a Bigger Piece of Your Market Pie for Great American Pie Month

Complimentary call-in idea generation conference call to get 1 new idea to grow your business this month. Join our two top marketing strategists for any portion of this 60 minute call-in opportunity.
Join the meeting:
United States – Atlanta, GA
United States – Los Angeles, CA
United States – New York, NY
United States – San Francisco, CA
United States – Tampa, FL
United States – Washington, DC
Conference ID:
609-025-598 #
Your Marketing Strategists

Benjamin Hanania
Chief Rain Maker
A perpetual Entrepreneur, Ben has founded 11 separate businesses in his lifetime. As an adjunct professor Ben taught ecommerce, marketing and internet courses at Cincinnati State College from 2000 through 2006. He has personally trained over 1,148 small business start-ups nationally.
As an accomplished pilot Ben enjoys soaring high, exploring the oceans as a SCUBA diver, rooting for his favorite soccer and football teams, ballroom dancing and public speaking when not relaxing with his favorite non-fiction book.

Jim Eastman
Chief Meteorologist
Jim has been with the company since its founding in 1999. He leads our SEO projects, working continuously to keep up with the most recent techniques and strategies. In addition, Jim manages written content for websites, email courses, whitepapers, etc. and often does much of the writing himself.
Jim enjoys time with his wife Jeannie, and 2 adult kids, Ben and Veronica. In addition to playing jazz trombone, he also has a passion for the outdoors and enjoys running, hiking, backpacking, kayaking, and rappelling.

Rick Barron
Chief Rain Dancer
Rick’s passion for helping clients achieve their goals is contagious. Share some background on your business objectives and you’ll see him step up and out with a flood of new ideas to help your business grow to levels you never thought possible.
Rick enjoys connecting with family and friends, traveling with his wife Anita, driving his 1968 Camaro convertible and wreck diving in the Great Lakes. He is a Distinguished Toastmaster and enjoys sharing his expertise, insights and inspirations with audiences from the platform.
Grade Your Website Developer
Score your developer on critical elements required to rank your website for an exact keyword or phrase + add your competitor to see how you fair against them.