With Intercept Marketing: Get the best of all Cincinnati marketing firms
1.Interruption Marketing
What’s more effective – offering to help you find your keys while you’ve got them in your hot little hand or just after you realize they’re not where you placed them and are seeking assistance in locating them?
Unfortunately, most Cincinnati marketing firms are using the first strategy – presenting solutions to anyone with a pulse (sometimes they’re a little more scientific) with the hope they’ll remember the provider of the solution (and how to contact them) should the problem or issue ever arise.
Think about the marketing messages you receive during your day – commercials on the radio and billboards on the side of the road during your drive to work, ads in the publications you read, in the free apps you use, commercials during your favorite TV program and messages virtually everywhere there’s a flat surface upon which to communicate.
Do they make you want to buy? Rarely! Few interruption style ads have the desired effect – take an action other than the one you’re currently experiencing. If you’re the one paying the bill, you have to ask yourself – is there a better way? Absolutely, let us introduce you to intercept marketingSM.
2.Intercept MarketingSM
What makes us stand out from the rest of Cincinnati marketing firms is our altogether different marketing approach.
Imagine this, you receive a phone call from a sibling asking what gift you purchased for your parents 40th wedding anniversary next week. Stalling for time, you enter the phrase “40th wedding anniversary gift” in your favorite browser and are greeted with options for the “ruby” anniversary.
Quickly reviewing the top organic choices (you don’t click on the ads) you discover a fabulous ornamental cross highlighted with ruby chips from a retailer. With their streamlined check-out and expedited shipping you proudly tell your sibling all about the new cross that will arrive before their special day.
This retailer was able to intercept a client from their competitors by sharing a compelling offer at their time of need, enjoying a large positive return on their marketing investment.
How do you identify your “ruby cross”? Our marketing specialist will assist you in identifying lucrative strategies to place your products/services before prospects seeking solutions to the problems and opportunities they have as they experience them.
Interruption marketing has a place IF you have the resources to build a brand. If you’re seeking a steady stream of new clients every month that are ready, willing and motivated to purchase what you offer, talk to one of our Cincinnati digital marketing specialists now.
Or Speak with a Marketing Consultant TODAY!
Call us at (888) 832-0711 for a FREE Consultation

Your Site
Why compete for difficult, expensive keyword phrases that are often too generic to convert into clients? You’ll be guided through a process to discover easily monetizable keyword phrases your competition doesn’t known exist.
With your help our professional copywriters will craft content and processes to engage these visitors, taking them through your virtual sales process to eliminate the tire kickers, producing a consistent stream of new business monthly.
Gather Intelligence
Once you’re cashing in on the easy traffic, our marketing specialists will work with you to add additional keyword phrases to your program, expanding your online reputation to drive even more traffic to your optimized website.
Our goal for you is to rank multiple assets (website pages, video, blog posts, etc.) for single keyword phrases – demonstrating to potential clients you’re the only player in your market.
Spy on Competition
Wouldn’t life be grand if you could operate your businesses in a bubble. Unfortunately your competitors are seeking to undermine the success you’ve achieved with 1st page organic placement of your website and other high value assets.
Your intercept marketingSM team will watch over your shoulder to protect the investment you’ve made, while keeping ever vigilant of new opportunities to dominate your competition.
MARCH Your Soldiers
Your battle plan is a comprehensive traffic, ranking, marketing and technical analysis of your current website and with your potential market reach. This 55 – 75 page analysis is yours to keep and can be used by your staff to revitalize or refresh your website to draw and engage more clients. In addition, it provides the ammunition to begin poaching clients from your competitors.
Let's chat over a cup of virtual Java.
Rick Barron
Chief Rain Dancer
Rick’s passion for helping clients achieve their goals is contagious. Share some background on your business objectives and you’ll see him step up and out with a flood of new ideas to help your business grow to levels you never thought possible.